The original Panton chair, eponymous to its creator, revolutionized design when it was launched in 1959. The use of the material used, fiberglass was almost unheard of. Indeed, designers were more focused on the use of wood in furniture design. But fiberglass was soon replaced by plastic. Surprised by the strength of the plastic at the time, which was not as strong as today's, production was stopped in the late 1970s. It was more than 10 years later, in the early 1990s, that injected polypropylene came into play. The chair is exactly what the manufacturer expected.
Other fact, It is also known as the S chair. This nickname came very quickly after Panton's first designs, this, you may have noticed, is due to its cantilevered shape, which was also unheard of at that time. The chair has received throughout its manufacture, several awards and has been featured in many design, fashion and furniture magazines. Like many must-haves, variations were born. Mainly more atypical colors for particular events, as to celebrate the 50 years of the chair.