
    Office furniture

    Sélection Nüspace Vinci, bibliothèque aux lignes arrondies et courbes, en micro ciment
    La bibliothèque Vinci est une pièce de mobilier impressionnante qui est conçue pour ajouter une touche de sophistication et de fonctionnalité à votre espace de vie. Elle est fabriquée en micro ciment, ce qui lui confère une grande durabilité et une résistance exceptionnelle.
    Vinci Bookcase
    Sélection Nüspace
    Moe's Home Collection Vancouver, bibliothèque de 5 étagères, en bois d'acacia et acier, brun clair
    Chaleur et caractère s'unissent dans la bibliothèque Vancouver en acacia. Un design saisissant, une stabilité remarquable, et une personnalisation totale de l'aménagement.
    Vancouver Library
    Sélection Nüspace
    Le bureau Duende d'Umage offre plus qu'un simple espace de travail ; avec son design organique et son tiroir discret, il incarne l'harmonie entre fonctionnalité et esthétique.
    Découvrez l'inspiration infinie avec le bureau Duende d'Umage, un espace de travail en chêne conçu pour libérer la créativité et favoriser une productivité optimale.
    Duende Desk

    For some of you, having a home office is a must. To get ahead, catch up on work or also do paperwork for taxes or other administrative follow-up. It can be overwhelming. So the layout of the room in which the office is placed must be the one that suits you best to be efficient.

    A functional desk, large enough to accommodate all your documents, or rather small to fit in a corner of the room. A chair with more or less functionality but mostly very comfortable because it is possible to sit in it for hours. Finally, for an organized room, all that is missing is storage furniture. A nice bookcase or shelves to accommodate everything you need to work.


    The office is a piece of furniture with character because it has its own function, to work. And the duty of the office is to be functional to facilitate the tasks we have assigned to ourselves. Our office should look like us, so take your time and choose the one that suits you.

    Office chairs

    Depending on your job, you may sit at your desk for hours. Therefore, it is essential for you to focus on comfort so as not to damage your back or neck. Our multifunctional chairs will make your days, a real happiness.


    Bookcases and shelves are essential to support us in our work. They allow us to organize ourselves, file our files but also place a few decorative items and put a little fun in this dynamic atmosphere.